Greetings to our TriCal Diagnostics customers. Thank you for working with us this past year. Here are a couple of announcements about our diagnostics and plant pathology research programs. First, the new price for our standard diagnostics service is now $145 per sample. Samples can continue to be brought to Salinas and Watsonville drop-off locations, brought directly to our lab, or shipped to our offices.

Secondly, we have federal permits that allow us to receive samples from anywhere in the continental USA. We are therefore now servicing customers from throughout the country. Contact us for the necessary shipment permit, or download the permit from our website (

Finally, we now have full molecular diagnostic capabilities including rapid-results DNA-based testing (qPCR) for soil pathogens of strawberry and other crops. These molecular tools further increase our diagnostic and pathology research services.

Contact us for more information. We look forward to working with you in 2019.

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